Running a Curry and Board Game Night for Non-Gamers

Last weekend Tony and I helped to run a Curry and Board Gaming fundraising event for our local theatre group (which we and my wife are members of). It was a lot of fun but we learned a few good lessons about running a board gaming event for ‘non-board-gamers’.
Get Your Face in a Board Game For Free

Be a character in our board game – Ghostel Yes, that’s right! If you’ve ever wanted to be a character in a board game then this may be the opportunity you’re looking for!
TT #18 – Hate Mail, Bananas & Interviewing Cool People Play in new window | Download (Duration: 52:28 — 48.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS0:08 – We read out hate mail 2:40 – Tiger-grrs 3:30 – Bananas 7:15 – The UK Games Expo review 20:00 – XCOM competition winner! 23:20 – Tinkerbot Spanner of Approval 25:18 – John Robertson of The Dark Room interview 30:35 – […]
Win a copy of XCOM: The Board Game with Tinkerbot Games!

Are you going to the UK Games Expo 2015 in Birmingham? Do you want to win a copy of XCOM: The Board Game? If you answered YES to both of those questions, then you’ll be happy to know that we’re giving a copy of XCOM for FREE to one lucky person at the EXPO! Click […]
Chaos Unpub on 25th April 2015

Hey folks! Next week Tinkerbot Games will be attending the Chaos Unpub event in Sutton Benger, Wiltshire. Run by games designer Miles Radcliffe (of Chaos Publishing) and writer David Inker, this promises to give many designers a fantastic opportunity to meet and greet with peers as they tweak their latest creations and get the feedback […]
5th Street Games declares bankruptcy

So last week I got the sad news that 5th Street Games has had to file for Bankruptcy. As a big user of Kickstarter for funding their game production, this has led to several projects entering the zone of no fulfilment. This includes one I myself backed, the cute and intriguing Ghosts Love Candy. The former […]
A first look at Wyrm Farm and making a game fun

Hi folks! By now you’ve probably guessed I like a board game or two, and if you’re reading this you also know we at Tinkerbots are aspiring to become published game designers ourselves. We have a couple of titles getting pretty close to meeting you guys and gals out there (more on this soon, I […]
A trip to the Thirsty Meeple!

This weekend I celebrated my 31st rotation of the Sun on this little blue-green planet of ours, and to make it special me and a few friends visited one of the first board game cafes in the UK, Thirsty Meeples of Oxford. Needless to say, I was pretty excited! I dashed ahead of the rest […]
A Trivial Christmas Pursuit

Christmas 2014 may be a rapidly dwindling memory, but even during this break from work I was still presented with a learning opportunity for board game design.
The 2015 Tinkerbots 5×12 Challenge

Last year we had the 10×10 Board Game Challenge. The challenge was to pick 10 board games you want to play more of, and over the year 2014 play those games 10 times each. The purpose of the challenge was to encourage people to play more games over the year. This year we decided […]