A Monstrous Review

From the Publisher: MONSTROUS (designed by Kim Brebach) is a tactical dexterity game featuring deluxe art from ancient Greek mythology. Players are wrathful Greek gods who stand and move around the table, literally throwing monster cards down at large ancient Greek location cards seen through god’s eye vistas, trying to restore Faith in the Pantheon. The […]

Oh My Gods! – Reviewed by Bevan Clatworthy

POSITIVES A light game with more depth of strategy than you would expect in a small game Tight and efficient mechanics mean no holes in the rules, smooth gameplay easy learning NEGATIVES Some god cards are more powerful than others, so a rare bad draw may leave you behind the other players The artwork has […]

Game Designer vs Game Reviewer Pt 2 – The Cons

Hi folks! This week is the second half of my look at Game Designer vs Game Reviewer (see my last blog for a recap if you missed it!) so I’ll just get straight into the cons of mixing these two elements of the table top industry. A designer can sometimes view a game how THEY […]

Game Designer vs Game Reviewer Pt 1 – The Pros

So for today’s blog piece, I want to touch on a notion that’s been tickling at the back of my brain box ever since I made the decision to put pen to cardboard and design my own board and card games; is it OK to be a Game designer AND a Game reviewer? Before I […]

Kanzume Goddess – What can it teach?

This weekend was one of those rare ones where the schedules amongst my gaming friends matched up and we were able to get together Saturday for some tabletop cardboard-based hijinks. Amongst the great games we played (Ticket to Ride, Risk Legacy, Waggle Dance) was unfortunately a bit of a stinker, the deck builder Kanzume Goddess. […]

A Trivial Christmas Pursuit

Christmas 2014 may be a rapidly dwindling memory, but even during this break from work  I was still presented with a learning opportunity for board game design.

Tinkerbots Review Killer Croquet!

Killer Croquet is currently on Kickstarter (project ends – Oct 1st) and is looking for $10,000 which is a relatively low amount compared to most other board games on Kickstarter these days. We were sent a review copy and this is what Gino has to say about the game: