Be a character in our board game – Ghostel

Yes, that’s right! If you’ve ever wanted to be a character in a board game then this may be the opportunity you’re looking for!

What’s the plan?

Here at Tinkerbot Games we’re currently on the earliest stages of artwork with our artist Tyler Johnson for our board game Ghostel. We’re going to have a Kickstarter backer level which allows backers to be turned into character cards in the game.

At the moment we’re getting ourselves turned into 3 cards (you can see Bevan below), but we have the budget to have 5 cards illustrated before we launch the Kickstarter campaign so we’re going to offer up the two remaining pre-kickstarter spaces absolutely free!

An example of how your card will look
An example of how your card artwork will look


Free? Wait, what?

Yes. Free.

Although we’ll be offering the same chance to more people during the Kickstarter campaign as a backer level, we have the chance to get the ball rolling right now for two people in our pre-Kickstarter budget. It’ll be a good way for us to showcase how the process looks from photo-to-cartoon and getting other people involved will make it a bit more fun for us!


OK I’m in! How do I get involved?

Sorry, competition is over!

Just send a photo of yourself to

Preferably two photos, one ‘normal’ expression and one ‘scared’ expression.

We’re going to be picking our two favourite photos to join us in the board game so really have fun with your photo. Look really scared, make it silly and get us giggling!

If we pick you to be one of our winners your card will be included in the production quality prototype print run before we launch the Kickstarter campaign. We will also ship you a copy of the prototype so you can show off to your friends and family. It will also be included in the final print of the game.

You need to send your entry to us by Friday 10th July 11:59pm GMT, but why wait? Send us a photo now!


Sweet! Is there anything else I can do to help?

Yes indeedy there is! We want to give everyone a chance to get involved so please feel free to share this competition with friends and family who you think might be interested by using the facebook/twitter buttons below. We’re using the hashtag #GetYourFaceInGhostel if you want to join the conversation.


Wait, I don’t have to share or subscribe to enter?

No you don’t have to. We could have asked people to share on social media, or subscribe to our monthly newsletter but we know that’s kind of annoying so we felt this was the best way to let people enter. If you want to help us out by sharing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or whatever then we’d certainly appreciate it, but it’s not a requirement of entry.

We have a monthly newsletter where we share board game design tips, updates and other such things and it looks like this:

Board game design hacks, interviews with successful kickstarter people, etc
Board game design hacks, interviews with successful kickstarter people, etc


Again, you don’t need to subscribe to enter the competition, but if you’d like to keep up to date with the progress of Ghostel as we get nearer to publishing, or if you’d like design/production tips, or if you just like board gaming stuff in general then feel free to sign up and try it out for a month. You can edit your subscription to only get the content you’re interested in.



Terms, Conditions, Boring Stuff

The winners will be chosen by the Tinkerbots (Gino, Bevan and Tony). Their decision is final and winners will be picked based on how funny the pictures are and how much fun the entrants look like they’re having.
The Tinkerbots reserve the right to change their mind if, for any reason, they decide that a winner is no longer to be involved in the game. In this case the winner will be notified that they will not be part of the game and will not have their image included in the board game.
The artwork image of the winners will belong to whomever owns the right to the artwork for the game (either the Tinkerbots or the Artist). Once an entrant has confirmed in writing (by email) their willingness to be included in the game then this will be taken as consent to have their image included in the game.
People under 18 years of age can enter with their parent or guardian’s permission. This permission needs to be included in the email entry as a photo of signed parental/guardian consent.

One Response

  1. The artwork for Bevan’s character is outstanding – you picked a great artist! Shall send you my face within the next few days 🙂