TinkerVlog Episode 02 – Helping Me, Helping U!

Hello! Managed to make it to Episode 2, and in this one I fill that gap in my whiteboard with a new idea I’ve been noodling around in my head, Helping Me, Helping U. Enjoy! Want to get involved? Send us your comments, links and videos, we’d love to know what you think and what […]

GemPacked Cards Review

Have you ever taken a look at a game and known, just known you were going to enjoy it? Well this week I had the pleasure of receiving an early copy of Eduardo Baraf’s GemPacked card game and as soon as I opened it up, I knew it was going to be fun.

Is Tabletopia the future of tabletop gaming?

Some exciting news from the world of tabletop gaming. A new digital board game client has come onto the scene, boasting all manner of features and a slick 3D presentation as of yet unseen in the industry.

Board Game Design Hack – A Review

On Friday 12th June, Tinkerbot Games held it’s first Design Hack at the Katiwok Restaurant in Cardiff. For the full details of what a ‘design hack’ is then check out this link, but in a nutshell a Hack is a short presentation concerning an aspect of the design world, followed by a workshop (the hack) where […]

A Monstrous Review

From the Publisher: MONSTROUS (designed by Kim Brebach) is a tactical dexterity game featuring deluxe art from ancient Greek mythology. Players are wrathful Greek gods who stand and move around the table, literally throwing monster cards down at large ancient Greek location cards seen through god’s eye vistas, trying to restore Faith in the Pantheon. The […]